Medium Profile Automotive Workstations
BAC Automotive Workstations with Medium Profile Side Modules
Medium Profile Automotive Workstations (replace existing) The BAC Automotive Workstation can be configured in a Medium Profile format by combining a mechanic's workbench with a clean stainless steel benchtop and modular integrated storage cupboards. This system is ideal for use in automotive service centres and mechanic's workshops. Medium profile workstations provide extra capacity for storage of items, such as manuals and spares, and utilise the storage shelving to create an attractive storage wall. This storage wall is sought by many service managers who seek a uniform and clean appearance in their workshops. There are many optional features which may be integrated with the rest of the base system. BAC Systems offers many methods of integrating oil and air reels into the Automotive Workstation which grant easy access to the hose, yet hide-away the actual reel. Additional provisions may also be made to allow for computers and other electrical appliance. Other options available include bin drawers, lighting, sinks and customisable shelf and drawer separation.

BAC Automotive Workstation Type AW3590M

BAC Automotive Workstation Type AW4000M